Information about the Rocky Mountain Horse Breed
The basic characteristics of the Rocky Mountain Horse breed are a medium-sized horse of gentle temperament with an easy-ambling, four-beat gait. This gait made it the horse of choice on the farms and rugged foothills of the Appalachian Mountains.
It was a horse for all seasons. It could pull the plows in the small fields, work cattle, be ridden bareback, or be hitched to a buggy. Because of its rugged upbringing, it tolerated winters in Kentucky with a minimum of shelter. Naturally, outcrossing with local horses did occur, but the basic characteristics of a strong genetic line have continued.
In the summer of 1986, as a way of preserving the breed, a number of people got together to form the Rocky Mountain Horse Association (RMHA) as a non-profit corporation in the state of Kentucky. The association established a breed registry and formed a panel of examiners to provide vigorous supervision for the growth and development of the breed.